Standardized Testing & Evaluations


Standardized Testing

HCCA offers homeschooling families the chance to have their students complete a standardized test in a “school-like” environment, using a traditional testing booklet and answer sheet. HCCA administers the Terra Nova 2 for 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 11th-grade students. This is a nationally standardized test that meets the Colorado home school statute requirements. This test is open to all homeschool students, but registration is required. For more information on The Terra Nova 2, please visit their website.

2025 Testing will be held on May 6 & 7, 2025. For general information about testing please read the 2025 Testing Information Page. Registration for 2025 Testing will open January 4, 2025.

2025 Testing Information Page

For other testing options and information on evaluations in lieu of testing, scroll down the page.


HCCA also accepts evaluations in lieu of testing. We mirror the Colorado Home School Law which states that you may have your child evaluated by a “Qualified person”:

“"Qualified person" means an individual who is selected by the parent of a child who is participating in a nonpublic home-based educational program to evaluate such child's progress and who is a teac-her licensed pursuant to article 60.5 of this title, a teacher who is employed by an independent or parochial school, a licensed psychologist, or a person with a graduate degree in education.”

Please note that HCCA does not endorse specific testing or evaluator services, the sites and information listed below are to assist you in your research.


Beth Japhet (Monument) 719-282-2822 or

Beth has 20 years of experience offering both portfolio-style evaluations and standardized testing options for homeschool families.

Amanda Bench 719-641-1125 or 

Amanda, a homeschool mom herself, loves helping homeschool moms fulfill this requirement in a simple and low stress way. Evaluations are flexible and each family’s educational philosophies are honored.

Samantha Eason (407) 925-7140 or

Samantha is a homeschooling mom who offers stress-free, virtual portfolio evaluations for families across Colorado. She has a thorough understanding when it comes to children with special needs.

Deborah Randall (719)229-6933 or

Deborah’s family attended HCEC for a number of years and her daughter graduated at High Country's commencement ceremony. Deborah offers homeschool evaluations and testing assistance.

Judy Van Acker (719)640-5979 or

Judy offers homeschool evaluations via email throughout the state of Colorado.

More standardized testing options

If you would like to administer a standardized test to your own student, listed below are some testing services. Please note that HCCA does not endorse specific testing or evaluator services, the sites and information listed below are to assist you in your research.

The Stanford 10 Achievement Test Is an online, untimed test that you can take at home. No degree is required as Seton Testing is the proctor. Visit

The Iowa Assessment Test Is another nationally standardized test available to homeschool families. A bachelor’s degree is preferred but not required. For more information visit

The California Achievement Test (CAT) can be administered by a parent (high school diploma required) and can be done in paper form or online, and can be timed and untimed. For online testing visit For the paper format visit

The PASS Test The PASS Test was developed specifically for homeschoolers, is available only for grades 3–8, is untimed, and can be administered by the parent. For more information visit We have suggested the PASS Test in the past and it is a wonderful tool for homeschoolers; however, it does not meet the requirement in the state as a “nationally standardized” test. HCCA accepts the PASS Test but Colorado school districts do not.

The CLT Test The Classic Learning Test (CLT) offers assessments that evaluate English, grammar, and mathematical skills, providing a comprehensive measure of achievement and aptitude. Unlike other tests that change according to educational or cultural trends, CLT exams emphasize foundational critical thinking skills and are accessible to students from a variety of educational backgrounds. This test is for grades 7-12. For more information visit Please note, the CLT test is another testing option that is accepted by HCCA but not by Colorado school districts.