Quarterly Reporting
Quarterly Progress Reports are filled out by parents in the HCCA Family Web Portal. Quarterly reporting is required for all students every quarter.
The Quarterly Reports are found by clicking the blue button next to your child’s name. The quarterly reports are on the right-hand side of the screen. The quarterly reports ask for days of attendance, any changes in your curriculum plan, and work completed for the quarter. It is important that quarter reports are detailed as they constitute your student’s academic records. We require these details because they enable us to offer a higher level of accountability to our families; which in turn, allows HCCA to provide reliable information to families, and other educational institutions when necessary. Grades are only required for the 2nd and 4th quarters. There is a 10-day grace period for filling it out, except 4th quarter which is 5 days.
Click HERE for detailed quarterly report instructions.
1st quarter runs July 1 through September 30
2nd quarter runs October 1 through December 31
3rd quarter runs January 1 through March 31
4th quarter runs April 1 through June 30
Please let us know if you have any questions! Our HCCA handbook has information regarding quarterly reporting.
You may contact academymanager@hche.org or academydirector@hche.org with any questions.
Thank you!