March-April 2025

New Things!

“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” – Isaiah 43:19

God is a God of newness. He doesn’t do the same old things all the time. And so, to live a better life, you need to cooperate with the new things God wants to do in your family, in your career, in your friendships, in his church, and in the world around you.

How do I know what new things God wants to do? First, we need to stop looking backwards. Spiritually and emotionally, we sometimes look backwards and forwards at the same time. We have goals, dreams, callings from God in front of us that we want to accomplish, but we keep glancing back at the past. Getting distracted by mistakes, problems, and experiences that have already gone by so much that we do not move forward into the new thing that God has for us.

Let’s turn our eyes toward the new things God has for us. The easiest way to find out what new things God has for us is to have connection to other believers. People who can come along beside us and remind us to keep our eyes forward. Friends who will pick us up when we fall down. A support system to share our joys and sorrows.

Linking up with other believers in person at a local church or through a community like High Country Home Educators can provide the connection we need to push forward into the new, exciting, good things God has planned for us.

How do you show God that you’re focused on the new things he’s doing? You pray, “God, help me to do what you’re blessing,” instead of “God, bless what I’m doing.” And when you do, you’ll be able to embrace the incredible things he is going to do next.

~Julie Blank, Director


Mar. 15 Deadline to register for Terra Nova II Testing

Mar. 21 Deadline to order graduation cap and gown

Mar. 21 Deadline to submit pictures and bio for graduation ceremony

Mar. 31 Third quarter ends

Apr. 2 Graduation Ceremony Auditions

Apr. 10 Deadline to enter third quarter reports


Julie Blank, Academy Director

Georgia Wolfe, Academy Manager

Phone:  (719)278-9135 x4


Stop by and say, “Hi!” All HCCA families receive three hours of consultation for free! To schedule a consultation, please email Julie at

2025 Testing and Evaluation Information

DEADLINE APPROACHING Registration for the TerraNova 2 test through HCCA will close March 15, 2025. The test covers the following: reading, word analysis, vocabulary, language usage and mechanics, spelling, math computation, math problem solving and concepts, science, and social studies. Testing is scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday, May 6-7, from 8:45am-12:30pm. Space is limited, so register now (HERE)

TESTING PROCTORS NEEDED The Academy relies on our wonderful volunteers, parents like you, to help us administer the test. These are minimally compensated volunteer positions, which are paid directly on the last day of testing. Proctoring requires only two half days of your time in the spring. If you are interested in helping, leave a message by calling 719-278-9135 x4, or send an email to There is also an option that may be selected on the testing registration form indicating your desire to volunteer.

EVALUATIONS IN LIEU OF TESTING HCCA accepts evaluations in lieu of testing, as long as the evaluation is done by a certified evaluator. Check out our updated list of certified evaluators HERE

Important to know

QUARTERLY REPORTS HCCA’s third quarter end March 31st. You have until April 10th to input your student’s third quarter information, after this date a late fee will be charged to your account. The information you put in the quarterly report section is very important. Your quarterly reports are evidence that your student is progressing through the curriculum and through the school year. This is why HCCA requires a detailed report each quarter. We hold our families and ourselves to a higher level of accountability. It is important that parents input all required information each quarter. Please read our updated Quarterly Reporting Instructions.

Graduation Information

HCHE GRADUATION CEREMONY will be Friday, May 16, 2025 at 10:00am. HCHE is in need of volunteers for the ceremony. It takes an entire community to make this celebration unforgettable for our graduates. Please consider volunteering – register HERE

GRADUATION CEREMONY PERFORMANCE AUDITIONS Do you have a talented musician or vocalist in your family? Does your student excel at public oration? If so, we invite HCHE members to apply for an audition to perform at the graduation ceremony in May. Deadline to apply is March 31st and auditions are April 2nd. Graduation Ceremony Audition Application

Upcoming Seminar

HOMESCHOOLING IN HIGH SCHOOL – Have you been thinking about homeschooling through high school? Have you already started? Do you have a lot of questions—and maybe a few concerns? Join us for a seminar on either April 8 or April 9 during HCEC.

Spring Break and Easter

HCCA offices will be closed from April 12-21 for spring break and to celebrate Easter.

HCCA is looking for an Assistant

Do you enjoy talking to other homeschooling families? HCCA is in need of an assistant. Contact Jamie in Human Resources.