Spring 2025 Week 7 March 18-19


“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 ESV

enrichment Information


Elevator Being Serviced: The elevator will be out of service Tuesday, March 18 8:30-11:00am due to servicing. Staff members are ready to assist with carrying up items. Please see guest services if assistance is needed.

Fall 2025 Registration: Registration Volunteer Collection and Appointment Scheduling are around the corner.  Your Registration Priority affects your appointment time which affects class availability and enrollment. Did you know you can improve your registration time by helping at registration? Applications for volunteers are being collected this week. Everyone is eligible to volunteer. Registration dates are Aug 4-Aug 6th. Click HERE for further details and to print an application.

Parents: As we prepare for the upcoming fall semester, we are seeking your input. Please take less than one minute of your time to fill out this class survey HERE. The survey will give us information to pass to the current or future teachers about class interests. 

Teachers: Attention teachers and future teachers! We are beginning to think about next fall's classes. If you plan to teach, please fill out your NOI. We are using the new database to sign up so if you do not know what to do, please contact the class director.

Lunch Program: Open from 9:00am to 1:45pm, it’s a convenient way to feed your family or grab a snack while you are on campus. Click HERE for more information.

Vital Partners: It’s not too late to become a Vital Partner. Click HERE for open positions. Please stop by Guest Services to sin up.

enrichment Calendar

March 18-19 Registration Volunteer Applications Collected

Apr. 1-2 Pajama Day

Apr. 15-16 Spring Break

Apr. 22-23 Appreciation Week & Craft Fair

Apr 25 Fall 2025 Registration Requests Open

Apr. 29-30 Final days of classes


Snap! Raise Fundraiser!

We raised $3,081, Thank you for helping!

A special thank you to our top raisers:

  • Turner Family: $625

  • Danielson Family: $550

  • Lenters Family: $500

  • Gearhart Family: $350

membership Information

Junior/Senior Formal is coming up! Be sure to register your Juniors and Seniors for this special event! The dance will be a Masquerade Ball and night to remember. Volunteers are also needed for this event, so please sign up to volunteer for this event if you are able!

Community! We are excited to provide Mom’s Groups, Field Trips, and other exciting activities and events for our members. Registration links for events are posted on the Members Only Page on our website, and in our Members Facebook Group. Please email us at communitymanager@hche.org if you need help with registration or have any questions.

Join our Team! We have many staff positions still available. What better way to connect with the community than to serve with us. Click HERE to see our open positions.

Applications are available at Guest Services or online by clicking HERE. Please contact Jamie at humanresources@hche.org if you have any questions.

HCHE members calendar

Apr. 5 Junior/Senior formal

April 22-23 Spring Market and Craft Fair

May 1 End of Year Family Party

May 2 Manitou Cliff Dwellings

May 16 Graduation ceremony

  • Registration for graduation is closed. For information about Graduation, please click HERE.

May 22 Used Curriculum Trunk Sale

  • Save the date and gather your old curriculum. Registration coming soon

See our Event Calendar for more information!

To request a Mentor Mom: mentormomsfacilitator@hche.org

Current Newsletter: March Newsletter

Christian academy Information

ACADEMY TABLE: Do you have questions about the Academy or the services we provide? Please stop by and say “Hello!” If no one is at the table, please check with Guest Services. You also may email Julie Blank at academydirector@hche.org to set an appointment.

Standardized Testing: HCCA administers the Terra Nova 2 for 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 11th-grade students. This is a nationally standardized test that meets the Colorado home school statute requirements. Testing will take place at New Life Church on May 6-7, 2025. Please see our testing information page HERE.

HCCA Families taking Enrichment Classes: If your high school student is enrolled with HCCA and taking classes at HCEC for a high school credit, be sure to communicate with the teacher and Julie Blank for guidelines on how to ensure credit is earned.

CHRISTIAN academy calendar

Mar. 31 Third quarter ends


Julie Blank, Academy Director academydirector@hche.org

Georgia Wolfe, Academy Manager academymanager@hche.org

719-278-9135 x4


Are you looking for a place to serve other home schooling families? The Academy has one open position! Connect with Julie Blank for more information.

Important High Country information

COMMUNICATION: Have you been receiving our texts? Texting is an important means we use to communicate with our families. We try to keep texts to a minimum, but they may include reminders about upcoming deadlines or notifications of weather delays or closings. Please email adminassistant@hche.org if you have not received texts from us.

FAMILY HANDBOOK: Click HERE for the High Country Enrichment Class Family Handbook.

INCLEMENT WEATHER PROGRAM: Please familiarize yourself with High Country’s Inclement Weather Policy. Click HERE for more information.

PRAYER TEAM: If you are in need of prayer, you can submit personal prayer requests by sending an email to prayerdirector@hche.org.